Члени сім'ї громадянина EEA (та Ісландії, Ліхтенштейну, Швейцарії) мають право на проживання у Великобританії поки вони являються членами сім'ї громадянина ЕС, який має право на перебування у Великобританії. Період перебування регламентується законодавством, кожен випадок може розглядатися індивідуально. Тобто громадяни України, які перебувають у шлюбі з громадянином ЕС та їхні неповнолітні діти мають право на отримання візи даного типу.
Прямі члени сім'ї
Після отримання візи на 6 міс EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit необхідно подавати на продовження всередині Великобританії на 5 років. Ми це оформлюємо за низькими цінами без особистої присутності. Необхідно лише відвідати центр у Великобританії для отримання біометричної картки на 5 років. Зразок рішення про продовження візи членам сімей власників паспортів Румунії та ін. країн ЄС http://ukvisas.com.ua/EUextension.pdf
Віза видається на 6 місяців:
Зразок візи для дитини:
Віза продовжується у Великобританії на 5 років:
Зразок візи (біометрична карта):
Збереження права на перебування у Великобританії
У випадку смерті або від'їзду з Великобританії громадянина ЕЕА право на перебування членів сім'ї залишається за умови перебування у Великобританії у якості члена сім'ї протягом одного року. Такі ж права мають діти. При проханні надати постійне право на проживання у Великобританії, член сім'ї повинен довести власну самодостатність та не отримувати соціальної допомоги.
У випадку розлучення право на перебування членів сім'ї залишається при дотримання однієї з наступних умов:
При проханні надати постійне право на проживання у Великобританії, член сім'ї повинен довести власну самодостатність та не отримувати соціальної допомоги.
Члени сім'ї громадян ЕЕА мають право на роботу у Великобританії.
Зразок рішення про продовження візи Pre-Settlement, Settlement Status UK
Our Ref Date
02 October 2019
I am pleased to inform you that your application under the EU Settlement Scheme has been successful and that you have been granted Limited Leave in the United Kingdom for five years under Appendix EU to the Immigration Rules. This is also referred to as pre-settled status. If you were within the UK on the date of your application, that is Limited Leave to Remain. If you were outside the UK on the date of your application, that is Limited Leave to Enter.
Your status takes effect from the date of this letter, which can be found above.
Your pre-settled status will expire on 03 October 2024. If you are absent from the UK for a continuous period of more than two years, your pre-settled status will lapse unless you are overseas on Crown Service or with HM Forces or you are the eligible family member accompanying such a person. However, qualifying for settled status generally requires five years continuous residence in the UK with only absences of up to six months (or one absence of up to 12 months for a good reason) permitted.
Your pre-settled status in the UK can be confirmed online through the GOV.UK service 'View your settled or pre-settled status': view-and-prove-your-rights.homeoffice.gov.uk. You may use the online service to show your pre-settled status in the UK. This letter is not proof of your status.
What this means for you
You have permission to stay in the UK for five years from the date of this letter. If you wish to apply for settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you can do so as soon as you meet the qualifying criteria for this. More information on the qualifying criteria for the EU Settlement Scheme can be found at: www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens- families/when-to-apply. You should make an application when you believe you qualify for settled status and before your pre-settled status expires.
You can also continue to rely on any rights you have as the family member of an EEA or Swiss citizen under EU law whilst those rights remain in force in the UK. Further information can be found at www.gov.uk/right-to-reside.
Access to benefits and services
Pre-settled status does not provide in itself a basis for entitlement to benefits and services under UK law. Eligibility for any UK benefits and services continues to depend on whether you meet the relevant eligibility requirements for the specific benefit or service (including any residence or presence conditions).
Next steps
You have been granted pre-settled status and can remain in the UK for five years from the date of this letter. You may be eligible for settled status in due course.
If you believe that you qualify for settled status already you can make another application under the EU Settlement Scheme: apply-for-eu-settled-status.homeoffice.gov.uk.
You can alternatively apply for administrative review if you think the decision maker made an error or didn't follow the published guidance, or where you have new information or evidence in support of your application.
You have 28 calendar days from the date on which you receive this decision to apply for administrative review.
Information on how to apply for administrative review, the process and the fees payable are all available online at: www.gov.uk/guidance/eu-settlement-scheme-apply-for-an- administrative-review
The administrative review application form is available online at: visas- immigration.service.gov.uk/product/admin-review
Read the section below entitled important information to find out more about viewing your status online and about your status and rights, including your right to work and to access benefits and services. This also tells you how you could apply for settled status in the future.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this letter, details on contacting us can be found on our website: https://eu-settled-status-enquiries.service.gov.uk.
Yours sincerely,
UKVI European Casework
On behalf of the Secretary of State
Important information Your status
Your pre-settled status will expire on 03 October 2024. If you wish to remain in the UK after this date, you can apply for settled status before then. However, if you are absent from the UK for a continuous period of more than two years, your pre-settled status will lapse unless you are overseas on Crown Service or with HM Forces or you are the family member accompanying such a person. However, qualifying for settled status generally requires five years continuous residence in the UK with only absences of up to six months (or one absence of up to 12 months for a good reason) permitted. See 'Applying for settled status' below for information on when and how you can apply for settled status in the UK.
Your pre-settled status gives you the right to stay in the UK under UK immigration law. At the same time you can also continue to rely on any rights you have as an EEA or Swiss citizen or family member of an EEA or Swiss citizen under EU law for as long as it remains in force in the UK: www.gov.uk/right-to-reside.
Applying for settled status
Your pre-settled status allows you to remain in the UK for five years. You can apply for settled status when you qualify for it. This generally means demonstrating that you have completed a continuous qualifying period in the UK of five. You must continue to meet the eligibility requirements for pre-settled status which can be found here: www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens-families/eligibility.
There are some circumstances in which you may be able to qualify for settled status before accruing five years' continuous residence. You can find further information at: www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens-families/settled-status-less-than-5-years.
Online evidence of your status
This letter is not proof of your status in the UK. Your status is linked to the passport or biometric residence card that was used to apply to the scheme
You can view your online status at any time with this service at view-and-prove-your- rights.homeoffice.gov.uk.
In line with existing requirements, you may be required to prove your status in order to demonstrate your right to work, or to access benefits and services, for example to prospective employers and landlords, the National Health Service (NHS), other Government departments and local authorities.
For as long as EU law remains in force in the UK you can also continue to use your current biometric residence card to prove your rights under EU law as lawfully resident in the UK as long as it remains valid.
You will be able to use the online checking service to show your right to work to an employer by letting them view your status online. In due course, it will also be available to you to show a landlord your right to rent. Employers and landlords must already check your right to work or rent in the UK, but this service will let them to check your rights online.
To access your online status, you will need the document number you used to make your application – therefore please make a note of your document number for future reference.
To maintain access to your online status and keep your status up to date, you will need to tell us if you change your email or mobile phone number.
If you renew or replace the identity document you used in your application, or you change your name after making your application, you will need to tell us so that your immigration status is up to date.
You can let us know about any changes through your online profile at: view-and-prove- your-rights.homeoffice.gov.uk.
Work and access to benefits and services
As a person with pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you may engage in business or an occupation, or be self-employed, as long as you comply with any legal requirements for that activity. You do not need permission from a Government department to take or change employment, but you will still need to prove your right to work in the UK to employers, just as you do now.
You do not need permission to enrol in education or continue studying.
You are entitled to NHS healthcare if you are ordinarily resident in the UK. In this context ordinarily resident means living in the UK on a lawful, voluntary and properly settled basis for the time being.
Pre-settled status does not provide in itself a basis for entitlement to benefits and services under UK law. Eligibility for any UK benefits and services continues to depend on whether you meet the relevant eligibility requirements for the specific benefit or service (including any residence and presence conditions).
Entering the UK
There are no changes for when you travel to the UK. You must continue to present your passport and biometric residence card at the UK border.
Time outside the UK
Under current UK immigration law, if you are absent from the UK for a continuous period of more than two years, your pre-settled status will lapse. If you leave the UK for more than two years and your pre-settled status lapses, you will need to make a new application under one of the routes which may be available to you to return to the UK. In the application, you will need to meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules in force at that time.
Please note that if you wish to be eligible to apply for settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you will generally need to demonstrate that you have been continuously resident in the UK for at least five years.
Continuity of residence for that purpose is not broken by a temporary absence or absences from the UK of up to six months in any 12-month period; or by a single absence of up to 12 consecutive months for an important reason, such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or an overseas work posting; or by compulsory military service.
You need to accrue five years' continuous residence in order to be eligible for settled status on that basis. Time spent in the UK before an absence which breaks your continuity of residence cannot be counted. Further information about the eligibility requirements for settled status can be found here: www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens- families/eligibility.
Removal from the UK
Where a person who is not a British citizen commits a serious criminal offence, consideration will be given to whether they should be permitted to continue living in the UK.
Residence card
If you do not currently hold a biometric residence card, you should receive your residence card within seven working days. A leaflet will accompany the card which will give you more information about it.
If you do not receive the card within 10 working days of the date of this letter or you find a mistake on your card, please report this at www.gov.uk/brp Alternatively, you can send your full name, date of birth, nationality and contact telephone number to the address below:
Freepost RRYX-GLYU-GXHZ Returns Unit
P.O. Box 163 Bristol BS20 1AB Data Protection
The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-information-use-in-borders-immigration- and-citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
Further information
For further information or if you have any queries, our contact details are on our website: https://eu-settled-status-enquiries.service.gov.uk