Віза дружини, чоловіка, цивільного парнера у Великобританію (Англію, Шотландію, Уельс, Північну Ірландію)
На перший погляд здається логічним, що чоловік/дружина особи, яка знаходиться у Великобританії має право приїхати в країну по візі дружини/чоловіка. Насправді, необхідно надати ряд документів та уважно підготувати інформацію, необхідну для отримання візи.
Необхідно довести візовому офіцерові, що:
При підготовці документів та зверненням за отриманням візи слід надати докази, які підтверджують, що ваш шлюб не фіктивний.
В більшості випадків власник візи даного типу має право перебувати на території Великобританії до закінчення терміну дії чоловіка/дружини, який/яка перебуває у Великобританії та зобов'язаний покинути Великобританію разом з ним/нею.
Власник візи даного типу має право на роботу на території Великобританії та отримання дозволу на постійне перебування у Великобританії та, згодом, громадянства. Це можливо за умов, якщо ваш чоловік/дружина перебувають у Великобританії по одній з імміграційних категорій, які надають аналогічні права. Наприклад, ви можете претендувати на отримання дозволу на постійне проживання, громадянства, якщо ваш чоловік/дружина перебуває у Великобританії по імміграційній візі Tier 1, Tier 2 Дозвіл на роботу, та не має таких прав по імміграційній категорії Tier 4 Студенти, Tier 5 Тимчасові працівники та мобільна молодь.
Кандидат на отримання даного типу візи має право на апеляцію проти відмови у видачі візи.
При отриманні візи у паспорт вклеюється віза-етикетка на 1 міс., а по прибутті до Великобританії аплікант отримує біометричну карту-візу на весь період перебування. Карту автоматично надсилають за обраною в анкеті адресою (пошта, інша адреса), ніяких додаткових процедур не потрібно. Але картку обов'язково потрібно отримати протягом 10 днів з дати приїзду до Великобританії. Аплікант отримує лист з інструкцією де та як отримати біометричну карту.
Наші фахівці в Україні та Великобританії оцінять ваші шанси на отримання візи даного типу, допоможуть належним чином підготувати документи, підготують до співбесіди з візовим офіцером та нададуть необхідну юридичну допомогу при продовженні візи/зміні імміграційного статусу на території Великобританії.
Зразок листа з інструкцією про отримання біометричної карти:
Date 20 Dec 2022
Dear Nataliia Windsor
Ref: UKVI 01\2134609
Your application for a United Kingdom (UK) visa (vignette) has been successful.
This letter is not permission to travel to the UK.
What this means for you
Before you can travel to the UK, you will need to collect your visa from the visa application centre, or if you have purchased a courier return service, wait until you have received your visa. Please do not attempt to travel to the UK until you have your visa.
We will contact you when your visa is ready to collect from the visa application centre where you submitted your application.
Please do not visit the visa application centre until you are contacted.
This notice explains that, when you arrive in the UK, you will have permission to be in the UK (known as permission to enter) as PARTNER (STANDARD) from 27 Dec 2022 until 27 Sep 2025.
Your passport/travel document contains a short-term entry clearance visa, which allows you to travel to the UK. This visa is valid for 90 days. If you do not travel to the UK before your 90-day visa expires you will need to apply and pay to transfer your visa. You can find out more about transferring a visa and make an application on https://www.gov.uk/transfer- visa.
Sheffield Visa Section
UK Visas & Immigration, Home Office
Your personal information
The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-information-use-in-borders- immigration-and-citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
Next steps
Your biometric residence permit
You will have to collect your biometric residence permit (BRP) when you arrive in the UK. Your BRP is evidence of your permission to enter and stay in the UK. For more information about the BRP, please visit https://www.gov.uk/brp
You must collect your BRP before your vignette expires or within 10 days of arriving in the UK, whichever is the later.
You must collect your BRP from POST OFFICE - STRATFORD 26 - 28 THE BROADWAY
Your BRP card will be available for collection two weeks from the date of issue of your visa.
When you collect your BRP you must take your passport/travel document containing the vignette. You must also bring this with you as it will help the staff to locate your BRP quickly. If your collection point is at a Post Office, you can find out more at: https://www.postoffice.co.uk
Collecting your BRP at a Post Office If you are under 18 years old and will be collecting your BRP at a Post Office it is very important that you read the section ‘Can children collect their own BRP?’ in the ‘Guidance notes’ document https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/biometric-residence-permits- overseas-applicant-and-sponsor-information before going to the Post Office.
You must be accompanied by a “Responsible Adult”, or you will not be allowed to collect your BRP. Your parent or legal guardian can be your Responsible Adult but only if they are collecting their own BRP at the same time. In all other cases the adult who will accompany you must be approved in advance by the Home Office, even if they are your parent or legal guardian.
It will take at least a week to process a request to approve someone as a Responsible Adult, so apply as early as you can.
Other information about your BRP
If you fail to collect your BRP in time, you may be subject to a financial penalty or a reduction or cancellation of your permission.
If you leave the UK again without collecting your BRP, you may experience delays at the border upon your return, while further checks are made.
If your BRP expires on 31 December 2024
All BRPs now expire on or before 31 December 2024. You do not need to tell us if your BRP expires on 31 December 2024 and your permission to enter or stay in the UK has been granted for a longer period. UKVI will update their information on the GOV.UK website to tell you what you need to do in early 2024.
You do not need to do anything now, and your immigration status will not be affected.
The expiry of the BRP card before the expiry of your permission does not change your entitlement to work, access services or benefits, or travel.
Sharing information about your permission to stay in the UK (your immigration status)
Employers, landlords in England or other organisations may need to check your immigration status, for example, to check whether you are allowed to work,
rent somewhere to live or access public services.
You must use our online services to prove your right to work at https://www.gov.uk/prove- right-to-work or prove your right to rent at https://www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-rent. You can use this service to share information with employers or landlords.
You will need to select the option to share your information and will then be given a share code to give to them. This share code will give them time-limited access to view your right to rent, or right to work. You’ll also need to give them your date of birth, to prove they have your permission to check your information.
If there is an error on your BRP
If you think something is wrong on your BRP, such as your name, sex, or it was damaged when you received it, you should let us know.
You only have 14 days from the date of receiving your BRP to let us know about an error. Otherwise you may have to apply and pay for a replacement.
Information on how to let us know can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/biometric- residence-permits/report-problem
If you have a BRP from a previous grant of permission
If you already hold a BRP from a previous grant of permission, or you were issued with a replacement, you must now return it to the Home Office as it is no longer valid.
The BRP card should be cut into quarters and posted (in a windowless plain envelope) to BRP Returns, P.O. Box 195, Bristol, BS20 1BT. You may have to pay a penalty of up to £1,000 if you fail to return an invalid BRP.
If your information or circumstances change
If your information or circumstances change you may need to tell us. You can find out what changes you should tell us about and how to do so at: https://www.gov.uk/change- circumstances-visa-brp
Travelling out of the UK
You should not book travel outside of the UK until you receive your BRP. Doing so may mean that you fail to receive your BRP and that puts you at risk of being unable to prove that you have permission to stay in the UK and being refused re-entry.
When your permission to stay ends
If you want to stay in the UK after your current permission ends you must make a new application for permission to stay before your current permission ends. We recommend you apply no more than 28 days before your current permission ends.
Details of how to do this can be found on the GOV.UK website.
Additional information
If you have been granted permission to enter the UK as a Skilled Worker, International Sportsperson or Minister of Religion, your National Insurance Number (NINo) will appear in the remarks on the reverse of your BRP, so there is no need for you or your employer to make a separate application to the Department for Work and Pensions to obtain one. You can find more information about the National Insurance Number at: www.gov.uk/national- insurance
Routes to settlement in the UK
Where you have been granted 33 months entry clearance under Appendix FM, the endorsement on your vignette will tell you the basis on which you have been granted permission under the Rules. That will also help you to identify when you are likely to be able to apply for settlement (assuming that you continue to meet the relevant requirements):
Standard endorsement
Where the endorsement on your vignette includes the phrase ‘standard’ it means that you are currently on a 5-year route to settlement.
If you continue to meet the requirements and make the appropriate applications for further permission to stay, you are likely to be eligible to apply for settlement in 5 years.
Non-standard endorsement
Where the endorsement on your vignette includes the phrase:
If you continue to meet the requirements and make the appropriate applications for further permission to stay, you are likely to be eligible to apply for settlement in 10 years.
If you are later able to meet the requirements and make an appropriate application, you can switch to start a 5-year route. However, time spent on the 10-year route will not be counted towards it.
Further guidance on routes to settlement under Appendix FM can be found at: Family of people settled or coming to settle (immigration staff guidance) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Зразок листа з інструкцією про отримання біометричної карти #1:
Зразок листа з інструкцією про отримання біометричної карти #1:
Зразок візи, яка видавалися раніше за старою процедурою з етикеткою на весь період перебування:
Після заврешення терміну дії необхідно подати на продовження візи. Через 5 років проживання можна подавати на ILR дозвіл на постійне місце проживання та громадянство Великої Британії.
Зразок рішення про продовження візи
Ref: 1212-0001-1234-5678
Your application under the Partner (FLR M) route of the Immigration Rules has been successful.
You have been granted permission to stay in the UK until 27 Aug 2025
This notice sets out all of the conditions of your permission to stay in the UK so please read it carefully.
You will receive your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) by courier within 7 working days.
You will need to prove your identity and sign for the BRP when it is delivered to you. If you do not receive your BRP within 10 working days, please visit https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/not-arrived.
If you already have a BRP you must now return it to the Home Office as it is no longer valid. Cut the card in half and post it in a plain, windowless envelope and send it to: BRP Returns, P.O. Box 195, Bristol, BS20 1BT. You may be subject to a financial penalty of up to £1,000 if you fail to return your old BRP.
If your BRP is lost, stolen or damaged you must tell the Home Office. Details about reporting lost, stolen or damaged BRPs are on our website at: https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/lost-stolen-damaged.
Your BRP is an
important document and you should look after it carefully. It is proof of your
right to stay, work or study in the UK and may be used as a form of
identification (for example, when setting up a bank account).
You can use our online services to prove your right to work (https://www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-work)
or prove your right to rent (https://www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-rent)
and share that information with other people. You’ll need to select the option
to share your information and you’ll then get a share code to give to them.
This share code will give them time-limited access to view your right to rent,
or right to work. You’ll also need to give them your date of birth, to prove
they have your permission to check your information.
Your Conditions
The following are all the conditions of your permission to stay.
Study conditions
You can study in the UK, subject to the condition regarding the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) as set out in the Immigration Rules. For guidance on whether you need to obtain an ATAS clearance certificate for your intended course of study, check https://www.gov.uk/guidance/academic-technology-approval-scheme
Work conditions
You can work in the UK, including paid and unpaid employment, paid and unpaid work placements undertaken as part of a course or period of study, self-employment and engaging in business or any professional activity.
Public funds condition
You cannot claim public funds.
Note on conditions
Failure to comply with the conditions of your permission is a criminal offence and may also lead to your permission being cancelled and future applications being refused.
Additional information
Travelling out of the UK
You should not book travel outside of the UK until you receive your BRP. Doing so may mean that you fail to receive your BRP and that puts you at risk of being unable to prove that you have permission to stay in the UK and being refused re-entry.
Immigration Health Charge
If you have been granted a shorter period of permission than you applied for, some of your immigration health charge payment may be refunded. For further information on refunds of the immigration health charge, please visit https://www.gov.uk/healthcare-immigration-application/refunds
If there is an error on your BRP
If you think something is wrong on your BRP, such as your name, sex, or it was damaged when you received it, you should let us know.
You only have 10 days from the date of receiving your BRP to let us know about an error. Otherwise you may have to apply and pay for a replacement.
Information on how to let us know can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/report-problem
If your information or circumstances change
If your information or circumstances change you may need to tell us. You can find out what changes you should tell us about and how to do so at: https://www.gov.uk/change-circumstances-visa-brp
Your personal information
The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-information-use-in-borders-immigration-and-citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
Послуги і вартість по даному типу візи.