Ukraine Extension Scheme – продовження візи у Великобританії для громадян України які зараз у Великобританії та мали візу станом на 1 січня 2022 і залишилися у Великобританії після завершення строку дії візи та для тих, хто мав дійсну візу станом на 18 березня 2022, та тих, хто зараз отримає візу до 16 травня 2023.
Уряд Великої Британії 18 травня 2023 анонсував продовження програми до 16 травня 2024 року.
Віза та біометрична карта BRP видається на період 3 роки.
Апліканти мають право на роботу, навчання, соціальні виплати та медичну допомогу.
Вимог щодо перебування та періоду відсутності у Великобританії - не має. Можна як проживати у Великобритнаії, так і відвідувати країну багаторазово протягом 3 років з моменту отримання візи.
Якщо ви є громадянином України, ви зможете залишитися тут на довше. Ви можете подати заяву:
Згідно нових правил опублікованих 7 грудня 2023, на програму також можуть перейти діти, народжені у Великобританії у батьків, які перебувають за українськими схемами.
Ви можете подати заяву за Схемою подовження перебування для українців, якщо ви є громадянином України або родичем громадянина України.
Ви можете подати заяву, якщо:
Якщо ви є громадянином України, ви також можете залишитися у Великій Британії, якщо подовжите строк дії свої поточної візи або перейдете на іншу візу за умови відповідності її критеріям. Ви можете подовжити свою візу або перейти на іншу візу, навіть якщо це зазвичай не дозволяється за умовами вашої поточної візи.
Якщо ви є родичем громадянина України, ви можете подовжити свою поточну візу або перейти на іншу візу, якщо це дозволяється умовами вашої поточної візи.
Зразок біометричної карти:
Зразок рішення про продовження візи:
Dear Anna Windsor
Ref: 1313-1234-5678-1234
Your application for permission to stay under the Ukraine Scheme has been successful.
I am pleased to tell you that you have been granted permission to stay in the United Kingdom (UK) under the Ukraine scheme until 25 Nov 2025.
Your conditions
The following are all the conditions of your permission to stay in the UK.
Study conditions
You are allowed to study. If you are aged 18 or over, any study is subject to the condition that you must obtain an ATAS certificate, if required to do so under Appendix ATAS of the Immigration Rules. For guidance on whether you need to obtain an ATAS certificate for your intended study, check
If you are aged 16 or
under, you are required by law to go to school. You may take a part-time job if
you are over 12, but you must meet all the relevant national and local
employment regulations that apply.
At the end of the school year, after you are 16, you can leave school. You have
a choice as to what to do next. All the information you need about your choices
can be found at
Work conditions
You can work in the UK, including paid and unpaid employment, paid and unpaid work placements undertaken as part of a course or period of study, self-employment and engaging in business or any professional activity.
If you are aged 18 or under, for more information on child employment laws, please visit
Public funds condition
You can apply for public funds (benefits and services). To find out about individual benefits and who is eligible to access them, visit
Note on conditions
Failure to comply with the conditions of your permission is a criminal offence and may also lead to your permission being cancelled and future applications being refused.
Further information about evidence of your UK immigration status and how to prove it is in the ‘next steps’ section.
On behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home Department
Your personal information
The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
Next steps
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
You will receive a Biometric
Residence Permit (BRP) as evidence of your status. This will be sent to you by
courier, usually within 7 to 10 days of receiving this decision.
You will need to prove your identity and sign for the BRP when it is delivered
to you. If you do not receive your BRP within 10 days, please visit
Your BRP is an important document and you should look after it carefully. It is
evidence of your right to stay, work or study in the UK and may be used as a
form of identification (for example, when setting up a bank account). You will
need your BRP (as well as your passport) for travel to and from the UK.
You can find more information about the BRP, including what to do if your BRP
is lost or stolen or if your personal details change (such as your name), at
The end date on your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) will be 31 December 2024 This does not change the fact that your permission to stay in the UK will last until 25 Nov 2025. The BRP card itself expires on 31 December 2024 because, from 1 January 2025, BRP cards will not be needed to prove your immigration status – you will be able to prove your status online, without needing a BRP. UKVI will update their information in early 2024 on how to prove your immigration status online. For the time being you do not need to do anything, and your immigration status will not be affected.
If there is an error on your BRP
If you think something
is wrong on your BRP, such as your name, sex, or it was damaged when you
received it, you must let us know.
You only have 14 days from the date of receiving your BRP to let us know about
an error. Otherwise you may have to apply and pay for a replacement.
Information on how to let us know can be found at
If you have a BRP from a previous grant of permission
If you already hold a
BRP from a previous grant of permission, or you were issued with a replacement,
you must now return it to the Home Office as it is no longer valid.
The BRP card should be cut into quarters and posted (in a windowless plain
envelope) to BRP Returns, P.O. Box 195, Bristol, BS20 1BT. You may have to pay
a penalty of up to £1,000 if you fail to return an invalid BRP.
If your information or circumstances change
If your information or circumstances change you may need to tell us. You can find out what changes you should tell us about and how to do so at
Sharing information about your permission to enter or stay in the UK (your immigration status)
landlords in England or other organisations may need to check your immigration status,
for example to check whether you are allowed to work, rent somewhere to live or
access public services.
You can use our online services to prove your right to work at
or prove your right to rent at
You can use this service to share this information with employers or landlords.
To share this information, you will need to select the correct reason why you
are sharing your status information, to make sure the right information is
shared. You will then be provided with a share code to give to the person you
want to share your information with.
This share code will give that person time limited access to the relevant
information. You will also need to give them your date of birth, to prove they
have your permission to check your information.
Important note
From 6 April 2022, your BRP card cannot be used to prove your right to work or rent, even if it has not expired. You will need to use your BRP to access the online services and provide employers or landlords with a share code instead.
Travelling in and out of the UK
You should not book travel outside of the UK until you receive your BRP. Doing so may mean that you fail to receive your BRP. If you fail to carry your BRP with you when you travel, you may be unable to prove that you have permission to enter and stay in the UK, and you may experience delays at the UK border when your return while further checks are made.